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Yoga - Month 3

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This routine is meant to be followed the third month.

This set of videos will help strengthen your body and mind by introducing Yoga.
Don't forget to watch the videos on combating various ailments.

This four month series is meant to build a strong foundation in the practice of yoga.
However, the techniques described in this series are not meant to be prescriptive.
Consult your physician before trying them out.

Sitar by Shri Basab Sen - "Abhogi" & "Jhinjhoti"
"Kast - Paradise" published by Alter K

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In this video you will learn the sequence of postures for the third month.

Before you start, warm up by doing 10 cycles of the sun salutation.

It enhances blood circulation, improves the functioning of the bowels and helps strengthen muscles and joints.

It also revitalises your body and refreshes your mind, leaves you feeling energetic throughout the course of the day.

Once you are warmed up, begin the sequence of asanas.

Hold each pose for thirty seconds to a minute or as long as you are comfortable.

Remember to repeat the pose on the other side whenever possible.

Do rest the in the corpse pose or the staff pose between the different asanas as and when required.

Start by doing the mountain pose.

This asana improves your posture, firms your abdomen and buttocks and strengthens your feet, legs, and hips.

Move on to the squat and rise pose.

This pose strengthens the legs, back and pelvic floor, as well as the uterus.

It also regulates breathing and is beneficial for menstrual problems.

Next do the big toe pose.

It tones your abdominal organs, improves digestion and activates the liver and spleen.

It also strengthens your thighs and gives a good stretch to the calves and the hamstrings.

Get into the triangle pose.

It aligns the shoulders, neck and back, and strengthens ligaments of the arms and legs.

The following posture is the extended side-angle stretch.

This pose stretches and tones abdominal and pelvic organs.

It also stengthens the legs and relieves sciatica and arthritic pain.

Spread your legs and do the wide-legged forward bend.

This pose reduces blood pressure and lower backache, tones the abdominal organs and increase flexibility in the legs.

Move on to the chair pose.

This asana helps strengthen the lower back, the torso and the ankles, while toning your leg muscles.

Next, do the warrior pose.

This asana relieves acidity, improves digestion and strenghtens the bladder.

The following asana is the tree pose.

It strengthens the legs, back and chest while improving balance and concentration.

Next do the one leg pose.

It strengthens the leg muscles, stretches your lower back and improves your balance and coordination.

The following pose is the garland pose.

This pose stretches the pelvis, relaxes the hips tones the abdomine.

It also stretches the achilles tendons.

Kneel down and do the rabbit pose.

It massages the digestive organs and removes fatigue with a fresh supply of blood to the head.

Move on to the staff pose.

It aids digestion and tones the kidneys.

The following pose is the forward seated bend.

It calms the mind, stretches the back and the legs, and relieves indigestion.

Move on to the head to knee pose.

This asana stretches the thighs, hamstrings, groins, shoulders and arms.

It also stimulates the livers and the kidneys and improves digestion.

Do the same with the other leg bent.

The following asana is the boat pose.

This pose strengthens the back and abdominal muscles.

It aids digestion and tones the liver, pancreas and kidneys.

The next pose is the bound angle pose.

This asana improves the flexibility of your hips and groin.

It increases blood circulation in the pelvis, back and abdomen.

Move on to the wide-angle seated forwad bend.

This pose relieves sciatic pain, helps prevent hernia, and regulates menstrual flow.

It also tones the hamstrings and stretches the back.

The next asana is the half lord of the fishes pose.

This pose enhances blood circulation, increases flexibility and strengthens the spine and the shoulders.

It also tones the liver, spleen and pancreas, and helps relieve constipation.

The prostate and bladder are not enlarged if the pose is practiced regularly.

The following asana is the hero pose.

It aids digestion and increses the flexibility in the legs.

Move on to the cow pose.

It loosens your shoulders and back, and also increases the flexibility of your legs.

The following asana is the lateral twist pose.

It relieves pain occuring in your neck, shoulders and back and also increases the flexibility of your spine and hips.

Move on to the downward facing dog.

Feel the stretch in the shoulders, the lower back, the back of the legs and the achilles tendons.

Relax for a few seconds in the child pose.

It stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles, while relieving back and neck pain.

Next, do the shoulder pose.

It corrects the alignment of the spinal column and strengthens the shoulders.

The following asana is the frog pose.

It is beneficial for digestive problems, massages the internal organs and tones the thighs, hips and abdomen.

Move on to the cat pose.

It flexes and strengthens the neck, shoulders and spine.

It is also said to improve digestion and relieve menstrual cramps.

The following asana is the cobra pose.

It tones the chest and back, while correcting the alignment of the spine.

Move on to the bow pose.

It strengthens the back and abdomen.

It also stretches the muscles of the legs, arms, chest, neck and shoulders.

Next get into the bridge pose.

It relieves backache and neck strain and strenghtens the spine.

Next do the gas release pose.

It aids digestion and releases gas trapped in the large intestine.

Follow up with the seated forward bend for thrity seconds.

Next, do the shoulder stand.

This pose increases the flexibility of your spinal cord and strengthens the abdomen.

It can also alleviate hypertension and breathing problems, improve digestion, help treat haemorrhoids, hernia and urinary disorders.

Move on to the plough pose.

This asana improves the functioning of the thyroid, alleviates throat ailments and reduces fatigue and insomnia.

The following asana is the fish pose.

It stretches the chest and neck, and provides relief from respiratory problems.

Next do the half head stand.

It strengthens your shoulders and core muscles.

It also increases blood supply to the brain and improves digestion.

Rest in child's pose for a minute.

Next do the monkey pose.

It flexes the spine and tones the internal organs.

It is also beneficial for digestive problems.

Move on to the lotus pose.

It improves digestion, reduces muscular tension and controls blood pressure.

It also reduces menstrual discomfort.

Finish by resting for five minutes in the corpse pose.

Concentrate on your breathing and relax your mind.


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Sikana - Yoga - Month 4
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