Work on your Staff Pose, Dandasana.
This material will guide you towards building a foundation in Yoga practice.
Don't miss the video on the Seated Forward Bend.
This pose stretches the muscles of the legs and feet.
However, the techniques described in this series are not meant to be prescriptive.
Consult your physician before trying them out.
Sitar by Shri Basab Sen - "Abhogi" & "Jhinjhoti"
"Kast - Paradise" published by Alter K
In this video, you will learn the staff pose, also known as Dandasana Sit straight and straighten your legs in front of you one by one.
Flatten your palms against the ground with your fingers pointing forward.
Bring your feet together stretch your calf muscles and knees.
Press your palms down and straighten your elbows, lifting your abdomen.
Breathe naturally, holding the pose for 30 seconds or as long as you can without straining yourself.
For assistance, sit on a cushion and place a brick below each palm.
This pose stretches the muscles of the legs and feet.
It also aids digestion and tones the kidneys.
You have now learnt Dandasana, the Staff Pose.
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