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Eastern Forehand Grip

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In this video you will learn about the eastern forehand grip.

The eastern forehand grip is used by Roger Federer. Check out the other videos on the different grips used in tennis.

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In this video you will learn how to use the Eastern Forehand Grip.

The eastern grip is ideal for faster, flatter shots with a limited amount of topspin, and is an ideal starting point for beginners

The 2 key steps are: learning about the grip, and finding the forehand eastern grip

Step 1

The tennis racket handle is made of 8 sides, or bevels

With the racket head perpendicular to the ground, we can number the bevels 1-8 starting at the top bevel and moving clockwise, for a right-handed player

Step 2

To use an eastern forehand grip, the base knuckle of your index finger, and your heel pad should sit on bevel number 3

The open-facing racket head will enable you to return shots which arrive low with power

Notice that the racket face is open, with the strings facing towards the net

Now you know how to use the eastern grip!


Next video

Sikana - Western Forehand Grip
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