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How to Hit a Backhand Topspin Lob

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In this video you will learn how to hit a backhand topspin lob.

Discover the rest of the program: drills, forehand, backhand and serve.

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In this video, you will learn how to hit a backhand topspin lob.

It is hit high and deep into the opponent's court when they are at the net

The three key steps are the preparation, the shot and the follow through

Use a two handed or an eastern grip for the backhand topspin lob

Do a split step and pivot on your non racket leg

Transfer the weight on it and turn the shoulders sideways

When you turn with your shoulders, both hands should still be on the tennis racket

Bend your knees and drop the racket below the ball, almost at the level of the ankle

The racket face should be closed as you approach the ball

Snap the wrist and flick the ball upward

Transfer your weight onto the backfoot and straigthen the knee as you strike the ball

The upper body should rise as well

Add spin to the ball and aim10 to 15 feet above the opponent

The ascending trajectory and the top spin should land the ball deep

The follow through

Continue the racket through the hitting zone with a high follow through

Extend the racket upward after contact and swing it across above your non racket shoulder

For a one handed backhand, the basics are similar

Get under the ball and add some topspin to the ball

Practice the backhand lob with a partner at the net

Enjoy your game


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Sikana - How to Hit a Backhand Volley
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