In this video you will learn how to hit a backhand slice.
The backhand slice is an effective shot to change the pace of the game. Check out the video on the forehand slice and the drop shots.
In this video, you will learn how to play a backhand slice.
It is an effective single-handed stroke where the ball stays low and changes the pace of the rally, making it difficult for the opponent to hit a winner
The three key steps are the preparation, the shot and the follow through
Use the continental grip
When you see that the ball is coming to the backhand, do a unit turn with the racket leg in front and the racket shoulder pointing to the net
Lift the racket back with the non racket hand so that it is well above the shoulder
The hitting elbow should almost be shoulder high
The shot
Swing the racket forward, from top to down, and cut down the back of the ball
If the ball is low, you will have to flex your knees more and hit under the ball
Open your chest and throw the non racket arm backwards and downwards to help you maintain your balance and add some punch into your slice
Open your chest and throw the non racket arm backwards and downwards to help you maintain your balance and add some punch into your slice
Remember, the backhand slice should be executed with a knifing action with your racket from a high to low direction
The follow through
Maintain the side on stance and fInish with the racket extended in front of you and the other hand behind
You could also negotiate a high ball with an effective slice
Practice the backhand stroke against the wall or with a partner
Enjoy your game
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