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Beginner Drill

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In this video you will learn a drill for the beginners.

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In this video you will learn a useful drill for beginners to acquire basic hand-eye coordination.

The three key steps are: bouncing the ball, the side-to-side and the figure of eight

Hold the racket with the strings parallel to the ground

Bounce the ball 20 to 30 times in the centre of the racket

Now alternate forehand and backhand and bounce the ball 30 times

Next, with your dominant hand, dribble the ball along the floor whilst side-stepping between two cones places a few metres apart

After 4 lengths, repeat the exercise with your weaker hand

Then try volleying the ball up in the air, still side-stepping between the cones

After 4 lengths, repeat the exercise with your weaker hand

Finally repeat all the exercises this time making a figure of eight around the cones

Start by dribbling the ball

Next bounce the ball up in the air

Try to keep the ball under control while are moving

Over to you!


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Sikana - Mini Tennis
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