This video presents an easy shoulder workout that you try at home as part of our gentle exercise program
Remember that this series on gentle exercise for older adults is free and can be found in full on our website at the link below!
Shoulder exercises like this one will keep your shoulders strong into your later years!
Voice-over by volunteer Lizzie Da Costa
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In this video, you'll learn how to do an exercise to strengthen the muscles in your shoulders. Please consult your doctor before attempting this!
Doing this exercise regularly will strengthen the msucles in your shoulders and fight against arthritis
This exercise can be divided into two steps: the position, and the movement
Firstly, getting into position
Position yourself standing upright with your knees slightly bent and your feet shoulder-width apart
Stretch your spine by making yourself as tall as possible
Raise the back of your head as high as possible, keeping your chin tucked in and looking straight ahead
To avoid arching your back, tense your abdominal muscles and buttocks
Secondly, the movement itself
Make a fist with both hands
Raise both of your arms on each side so that you elbows are at the same height as your shoulders and your fists are pointing towards the sky
Your arms should form a right-angle
You should be able to trace a perfectly straight line between your shoulders, which should be kept low and relaxed
As you breathe out, raise your arms up until they're straight
Make this movement gently, making sure that you keep your back straight and your knees slightly bent
Then resume your original position
Repeat this ten times
By combining muscle strengthening with shoulder flexibility exercises, you can fight against stiffness, discomfort and pain in your shoulders
Over to you!
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