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Getting up Carefully from an Exercise Mat

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Learn how to get up from an exercise mat during your exercise routine without straining yourself with this short video

Once you've got up from your mat, you're ready to try some standing exercises!
Check out the exercise videos in this series for inspiration

Make sure you avoid hurting your back when getting up from your exercise mat by following these simple instructions

Voice-over by volunteer Lizzie Da Costa

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scameronell - Sikana
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In this video, you are going to learn how to get up carefully from a mat.

This method will allow you to avoid injuries and to lessen the risk of a fall.

In order to get yourself up from a mat, there are three steps to follow. Turn onto your stomach . Position yourself on all fours. Straighten the body keeping one knee on the ground.

Step One: turn over onto your stomach.

Bend your knees.

Place your left arm along your body and put your left hand under your buttocks.

Stretch your other arm at right angles to your body

Raise your right arm and bring it over to the left side of your body in order to create a sufficienct momentum that you can roll your body over in one go, keeping the knees bent.

This avoids any twisting of the back.

Step 2: Position yourself on your knees.

Bring your hands upto the level of your face, palms to the floor

Taking support on your forearms, push yourself backwards and up whilst bringing your knees beneath your pelvis.

Then position yourself on your hands and knees.

Spread your knees hip-width apart.

Step 3, sit up straight with one knee on the ground.

At the same time, you are going to raise your left leg to put your foot down flat, whilst placing your left hand on your left thigh.

Straighten your chest by leaning on your thigh.

Maintain a straight back.

Bend the toes of your back foot to get ready to push off

Then, push off the floot with both feet ss well the hand on your thigh in order to get up.

You are now ready to continue your training session with exercises you can do standing up

Enjoy your session!


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Sikana - Neck Stretches
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