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Lying down in Bed

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Watch this short video and adopt this good everyday habit when lying down in bed to help avoid injury

This video is part of a series of videos on gentle exercise for older adults that is full of advice and best practices to keep you fit and mobile.
Be sure to check out our next video, Getting out of Bed

Make sure you don't strain or twist your body when lying down in bed by following the three simple steps in this short tutorial

Voice-over by volunteer Lizzie Da Costa

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KatharineRuff - Sikana
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In this video, you'll learn how to lie down in bed on your own, whilst protecting your back and avoiding all risk of falling

To sit down, move back so that your calves are touching the bed frame and hold onto the edge of the bed for a controlled descent

For more details, you can watch the video titled: 'Good everyday habits: sitting down'

To lie down in bed, there are three necessary steps: leaning the upper half of your body towards one side, bringing up your legs, and pivoting onto your back

Firstly: leaning the upper half of your body towards one side

Put the palm of your right hand down onto the bed, roughly 30 cm away from you

With your other hand, hold onto the edge of the bed

This stabilises your position and stops you falling from the bed

Lower the upper half of your body down whilst supporting yourself with your hands

Gradually put your right forearm down onto the bed

Keep your back straight, not twisted, by contracting the muscles in your abdomen and back

Secondly: Bringing up your legs

Without changing the position of your hands, bend your left leg and bring your foot up to the edge of the bed

Do the same with your right leg

Then, slowly lie down on one side

Keep holding onto the side of the bed with your left hand so that you don't fall

Thirdly: pivoting onto your back

Join your hands together behind your left knee

Raise your legs using your hands to help you so that you can pivot your whole body in one go, keeping your back straight

Then, stretch out your legs

When you lie down, be careful that you don't lower yourself down without support, or with a twisted back- you run the risk of hurting yourself or falling

To lie down in bed, make sure that you always lean the upper half of your body to one side, before raising your legs and pivoting onto your back

Over to you!


Next video

Sikana - Getting out of Bed
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