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Cardio Exercise in Pairs: Basic Step

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In this video, you will learn a Basic Step exercise to integrate into your cardio fitness routine with a partner

Keep watching the series for more great cardio exercises - for an arm workout, try the "Hand-Tape" exercise which follows this video.

Cardiovascular exercise is important for maintaining your overall health and fitness level. Follow this simple tutorial to learn a great exercise that you can practice in pairs as part of your fitness routine.

Voice-over by volunteer Lizzie Da Costa

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chrisjowitt - Sikana
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Cardio Fitness Workout in Pairs: Basic step

In this video you will find a cardio vascular exercise that is made up of walking forwards and backwards, mirrored by a partner.

You should check your physical fitness with your before attempting this exercise.

Practised regularly, cardiovascular exercises help to preserve respiratory capacity and to maintain a healthy blood pressure.

This exercise is broken down into two steps, positioning and movement.

First of all, the positioning

Stand facing your partner at a distance of about 50cm, your back straight and your feet spaced apart the to width of your hips

Secondly, movement

The partner should start by stepping their right foot forward, then bringing the other foot level to it

Then move back to the original position

As you step forwards, the person your are assisting should step back with the opposite foot.

Use your arms to intensify the cardio workout

Perform this exercise for 30 seconds, always starting with the right foot

After a resting time of 30 seconds, repeat the exercise starting with the left foot

Always start at a slow pace and gradually increase the speed of your movements

You can adapt this exercise depending on your physical capabilities

In this case, your ease of breathing is a useful indicator

if you can easily talk after performing the exercise, you are moving below your capabilities

On the other hand, if you find yourself unable to speak, you are over-exerting yourself

Repeat this whole exercise after another 30 second rest

gradually increase the speed and duration of the exercise over days of training

It's over to you !


Next video

Sikana - Cardio Exercise: Jumping with Alternating Feet
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