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Warming up with the Ball

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In this video, you will discover some warm up exercises you can practice with a ball before you play.

For more warm up exercises, take a look at our video "Warming Up Without a Ball"

Before you play basketball, it's important that you warm up properly to avoid injury. Discover some great exercises to practice with a ball by watching this short tutorial!

Adam Simmons - "Long Rhode Home", "Piano Hop", "Tang-A-Lang"
Published by Alter K
Voiced by Xavier Gianni

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In this video, you will learn to warm up using the ball. Before dribbling and shooting, always start by warming up gently without the ball.

For this warm up, you will need 2 basketballs, But you can easily adapt it if you only have one.

This a three step warm up that you can do alone: dribbling in a zigzag motion, dribbling with two balls, and shooting at the basket.

First dribbling in a zigzag motion.

Place one ball on the ground where the center line meets the sideline and go and stand in the corner of the court.

Dribble in a zigzag motion up to the center line, changing hands and direction.

To be well prepared for game situations, dribble low and practice different types of crossover.

Second, dribbling with two balls.

When you get to the center line, pick up the second ball.

Cross the court along the center line dribbling both balls simultaneously.

To work on your coordination, once you get to center circle, alternate your dribbling, one ball after the other.

Once you reach the other side of the court, put one ball down on the ground.

Third, shooting at the basket.

Dribble toward the basket in order to take a double step.

You can also stop at the end of the key or from a 45degree angle to take a shot.

Then, catch your rebound, and repeat the exercise in the other direction.

Increase the intensity of your warm up as you go along. This warm up will allow you to get an idea of your dribbling and shooting level. Over to you!


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