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Group Drills: The Shootout

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In this video, you will discover a fun exercise for practising the basics in dribbling, shooting, passing and catching rebounds.

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Enjoy playing this fast-paced game with friends to develop key basketball skills!

Adam Simmons - "Long Rhode Home", "Piano Hop", "Tang-A-Lang"
Published by Alter K
Voiced by Xavier Gianni

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In this video, you will discover a fun exercise for practising the basics in dribbling, shooting, passing and catching rebounds.

The aim of this exercise is to score before the player behind you does.

The players stand one behind the other, behind the free throw line. The two first players each pick a ball.

The first player shoots from the free throw line.

If they score, they retrieve the ball and give it to the first player without a ball in the line.

If they miss, they have to score as fast as possible, shooting from anywhere they want.

As soon as the first ball is thrown, the second player can shoot as well.

If they score before the first player, they shout "Out", and the first player is out of the game.

If they don't, they will have to score before the player behind, so as not to be eliminated, and so on…

Each time a player is eliminated, the game stops to allow the players time to into position.

Throughout the exercise, players should behave as in a game, without committing fouls or violations such as traveling.

When there are only two players left, the first one to score twice in a row is the winner.

To make the game harder, you can add a rule so that the players have to take their first shot from beyond the three point line. Over to you!


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