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Individual Exercise: Dribbling- Advanced

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In this video, you will learn three more advanced exercises to help improve your dribbling skills even further!

For more dribbling exercises, check out the previous video in our basketball series.

Watch this short tutorial to discover exercises to practice dribbling with two balls, making several crossovers in control, and tennis ball. These will help you improve your ball control for a better game!

Adam Simmons - "Long Rhode Home", "Piano Hop", "Tang-A-Lang"
Published by Alter K
Voiced by Xavier Gianni

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In this video, you will learn a few exercises to improve your dribbling.

Here are a few other exercises to practice your ball handling.

First exercise: Dribbling with two balls.

Standing still, take a ball in each hand, and start dribbling with both of them simultaneously.

Once you are comfortable with it, try dribbling while moving

Repeat the same exercise but this time alternate the two dribbles.

Second exercise: Making several crossovers in a row.

Standing still, practice making several crossovers in a row, first with a dribble between each crossover, then directly.

Start with two crossovers in a row.

Then, follow up with a crossover between the legs

Next, try a crossover through the legs followed by a reverse crossover behind the back

If you're able to do these try different combinations of these moves, or try to three crossovers in a row

Third exercise: tennis ball

In the triple threat position, hold a tennis ball in your weaker hand and dribble to one side of you with your stronger hand.

Continue dribbling and throw the tennis ball in the air and catch it

If you drop the tennis ball, keep dribbling as you pick it back up it to resume the exercise.

To get this right, keep your head up to always be able to see the tennis ball.

For all of these exercises, remember to avoid looking at the ball you are dribbling. Over to you!


Next video

Sikana - Individual Drills: Crossovers
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