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Group Drills: Attacking Without Dribbling

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In this video, you will discover an exercise to improve your passing game and to practice escaping players marking you.

If you enjoyed this video, why not check out the other group drills in our series on basketball, created with experts to help you improve your basketball skills!

Try out this fun drill with your friends to work on your passing skills, taking care to avoid the defense.

Adam Simmons - "Long Rhode Home", "Piano Hop", "Tang-A-Lang"
Published by Alter K
Voiced by Xavier Gianni

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In this video, you will discover an exercise to improve your passing game and to practice escaping players marking you.

The aim of this exercise for the offense is to cross the court without dribbling, For the defense, the aim is to intercept the ball.

Mark a central channel a little wider than the key by placing cones along the court.

Put a defender in the central circle and one in each semi-circle in the key.

The two offense players stand below the basket, one on each side of the key with one ball between two.

The offense must cross the length of the court using nothing but passes, and without leaving the centre aisle.

If a defender intercepts the ball or sends it out of bounds, they change place with the player who made the bad pass.

If an offense player commits a violation, they switch places with the nearest defender.

Defenders may not leave their respective circles.

Offense players may not make lob passes.

To succeed in this exercise, the offense player not carrying the ball will have to get themselves free of the defenders.

The offense player with the ball will need to make a good pass, using fakes as necessary.

To find out how to make a good pass, take a look at our video "Direct and bounce passes."

The make the exercise more difficult, you can make the central aisle narrower. Over to you!


Next video

Sikana - Group Drills: The Rebound
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