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Moving and Dribbling

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In this video, you will learn hints and tips for dribbling across the court, as well as when to dribble

Keep watching for more great resources to help improve your dribbling technique!

Watch this tutorial to learn the scenarios in which it's appropriate to dribble, and how to do this effectively, so as to avoid getting caught in the defense.

Adam Simmons - "Long Rhode Home", "Piano Hop", "Tang-A-Lang"
Published by Alter K
Voiced by Xavier Gianni

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In this video, you will learn how and when to start a dribble. In basketball, dribbling is only one of many ways to get the ball into the opponent's basket, so it is to be used with caution.

To dribble and advance effectively, work on these three points: Protecting the ball, Looking ahead of you, and Understanding the situations in which you should dribble

First, Protecting the ball

Dribble to one side, using the hand furthest from your opponent.

Hold your forearm high to protect the ball.

When you do a crossover, immediately change the protecting arm.

In game situations, you will need to use both your hands. So you should train even harder using your weaker hand.

Secondly, Looking ahead of you.

When you are dribbling, never look at the ball.

You should be able to see what's going on at all times to react accordingly.

Thirdly, Understanding the situations in which you should dribble.

In basketball, you should always prioritize passing over dribbling, as passing is normally faster and safer. There are however situations in which dribbling is advisable.

If you can, dribble to get around your opponent. In that case, it is important to do this on your first dribble.

If one or two players are putting pressure on you, it can be used to break free and avoid having the ball taken from you.

If there are no clear passing lines, you can dribble to find a better angle to pass the ball to a teammate.

If your teammates can't receive the ball, you can dribble to move towards the basket.

To practice dribbling, try crossing half the court dribbling a ball in each hand, looking ahead of you. Over to you!


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Sikana - Dribbling: Stopping and Driving
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