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The Basketball Scoring System

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In this video, you will learn the different ways of scoring points in a basketball game.

If you're still a little rusty on the rules of basketball, don't forget to back to our video "The Basic Rules of Basketball", which is the first in our series aimed at beginners to the sport.

The scoring system in basketball means that you can score lots of points in quick succession. Learn all about how this works with this short video tutorial.

Adam Simmons - "Long Rhode Home", "Piano Hop", "Tang-A-Lang"
Published by Alter K
Voiced by Xavier Gianni

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In this video you will learn how the scoring system works in basketball. The number of points granted for a field goal varies depending on the situation.

In basketball, a basket can be worth one, two or three points

Firstly, the two-point shot.

Two points are awarded for all field goals scored from within the three-point line.

It is the most common situation in a match, as they are the shots that are the closest to the basket.

Secondly, the three point shot.

Three points are awarded for all field goals scored from outside the three-point line.

If your foot touches the line during the shot, it will only be worth two points;

But, as long as you take the shot from beyond the line, you can land on the other side of it after throwing the ball and the shot will still be worth three points.

Thirdly, One point shots.

After a foul, one or several free throws may be granted by the referee.

Free throws are unopposed shots taken from the free throw line, which is marked 4.6 meters from the basket. In this situation every basket scored is worth one point.

These possibilities mean players must make quick decisions, especially late in the game when the scores are very close. Now it's over to you!


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