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How to Mix Concrete

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Learn how to mix concrete using a cement mixer

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Mixing concrete for the first time? Help is at hand! This step-by-step video will take you through everything you need to know to mix concrete yourself.


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Andrew Jamieson - Sikana
Andrew Jamieson
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Mixing Concrete

In this video, we're going to learn how to mix concrete. Concrete is a mixture of sand, gravel and cement. It is used for many different construction projects.

To mix the concrete, we will need a cement mixer, some buckets, a shovel and a wheelbarrow.

We will also need some cement, sand, gravel and water.

Cement mixer








The bigger the project, the thicker the concrete has to be. You can make cement thicker by using larger pieces of gravel or coarser sand.

The proportions for it's different uses are normally stated on the back of the bag. As a rule of thumb, though, use one part cement , two parts sand, three parts gravel and around half a part of water.

1 part cement, 2 parts sand, 3 parts gravel and half a part of water

Step 1: Switch on the Cement mixer

Step 2: Pour in all the gravel

Step 3: Add in half of the water and let it to mix for 30 seconds

Step 4: Mix in the sand. If it is wet, use less water. Remember never to use beach sand as it's not suitablefor making concrete.

Step 5: Add the cement. Let it mix for 30 seconds so that it is thoroughly wetted.

Step 6: Pour in the rest of the water and let it mix for 2 to 3 minutes

Don't let the mixture fill more than two thirds of the mixer or else it might spill over.

The texture of the concrete should be smooth and uniform. All the water should be mixed in but it should not be too liquid.

If it does get too runny, add a bit more sand and cement. If too dry, add water in small amounts.

Step 7: Position the wheelbarrow under the mixer and pour in the concrete.

Step 8: Wash the cement mixer immediately after use. To do this, pour in one bucket of water with some gravel and leave it running for a few minutes. Then rinse.

Your concrete is now ready for use.


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