This video was created in partnership with
First Aid:
In this video, you will learn to recognize the signs of a stroke and what to do.
A stroke is a problem with the blood supply to the brain.
Signs of a Stroke
The signs of a stroke appear SUDDENLY with:
1- a drooping face
The face droops, becomes asymmetrical or distorted
2- Difficulty speaking;
The casualty has trouble speaking;
3 -Numbness in one limb
The casualty has a weakness or numbness in one arm or leg;
4 - Headache
The casualty may have a headache
5 - trouble seeing
The casualty has difficulty seeing
First Aid Techniques:
1 Have the casualty lie down
- Make the person comfortable and have them lie down if possible.
2 – Call the Emergency Services
- Call the emergency services AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE.
The faster they receive treatment, the less likely they are to suffer serious consequences, including death.
Make a note of the time the first signs of the stroke appeared, as this will be important for subsequent treatment.
3 Do not give them anything to drink
4 Do not give them anything to eat
-Make sure the casualty does not make any physical effort or eat or drink, as stroke victims may have trouble swallowing.
- Keep a check on their state of consciousness and breathing until medical help arrives.
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