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Stretching Your Neck and Arm Muscles

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In this video, you will learn to stretch your neck and arm muscles after Nordic Walking to avoid injuring yourself.

Be sure to warm down thoroughly after each session! For more inspiration, check out the other stretching videos in our Nordic Walking program.

Learn how to avoid stiffness and injury in your arms and neck after Nordic Walking by watching this short tutorial with two exercises for cooling down after exercise.

Music : ALTER K
Voice-over by volunteer: Scarlet Sherriff & Rebecca Large

They contributed
chrisjowitt - Sikana
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Stretching your neck and arm muscles

In this video, you will learn how to stretch your neck and arm muscles

These exercises are performed with the help of your nordic walking sticks

We will show you one exercise for stretching your neck, followed by another for stretching your triceps; the muscles on the back of your upper arms.

Dont forget; stretching is a calming exercise. You do not have to rush

Start by stretching your neck

Place your right hand on the left side of your head, passing it behind your head

With the help of just the weight of your hand, bend your neck towards your right shoulder

Hold the tension for 10 seconds then return to your initial position

Perform the same exercise int he other direction, using your left hand

Now onto the triceps

Take the end of one of your sticks with your right hand and hold it behind your back

Hold the bottom end of your stick with your left hand, then pull it downwards

You should feel stretching in your right biceps

Hold the tension for 10 seconds, then hold your stick in front of you

To stretch your left triceps, switch position and repeat the exercise

Now that you have stretched your neck and arm muscles, you can move onto your calves and thighs


Next video

Sikana - Stretching Your Leg Muscles
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