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My Passion: Teaching

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In this video, Nordic Walking instructor Jean-Bernard Sibour talks to us about his passion for teaching Nordic Walking to others.

This interview is one of four introducing our Nordic Walking program, which includes over 35 videos to help you get started. Why not take a look?

With over 35 years' experience, Jean-Bernard Sibour knows a thing or two about teaching! Watch this short interview as he tells us about his passion for his work as a Nordic Walking instructor.

Music : ALTER K
Voice-over by volunteer: Scarlet Sherriff & Rebecca Large

They contributed
Will Young - Sikana
Will Young
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My passion: teaching

One day, I saw someone giving a training session and I thought, 'why don't I do that?'


I still hold that idea close to me now.

In fact, I've held onto it for more than 35 years!

And I still have that element of "Why not them? Why not you, why not me?".

I teach because I want to share my experience with others.

And that's why I'm still teaching today. I simply wish to pass my knowledge on to others.

My teaching is based on keeping things simple.


I wanted to broadcast via video, because, well, you have to live with the times!

I feel that the most interesting training videos are those that last no longer than 2-3 minutes.

Because of this, I've done a few using just the camera on my phone.

The post-production was quite a challenge.

You really need a team for support if you want to make truly effective videos.

And I was lucky enough to come across Sikana.


Did Sikana choose me or did I choose Sikana?

I'm still asking myself this question.

I think that we're perfectly balanced, as Sikana provides a service for learning that is free and easy to use.

What I also like about Sikana is its global outreach.

What that means is that you're not doing something in isolation - you're sharing it.

And it's the sharing side of it which stands out to me.

This is something I've wanted to do myself for years!


Video is a good way not only of discovering an activity but also of perfecting your skills in it.

It also acts as an effective point of reference.

In much the same way as you would check the definition of a word by leafing through a book or dictionary.

In this case it you would check the correct technique for the movement.

However, in the meantime, you should ideally take lessons with a teacher, especially for Nordic Walking,

While you can see the body movements by watching videos, you can't be sure of that you're doing them properly yourself.

The important thing is being able to feel when you are doing the movements properly.

You can watch the movements, then you will need to replicate them on a real walk with a teacher who can explain to you directly why each movement is done.

If you watch videos and have a go with a teacher and with other people, I think that you'll constantly be improving.


Next video

Sikana - When Walkers Get Involved
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