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Warming Up Your Hips and Thighs

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In this video, discover some warm up exercises for your hips and thighs to avoid injury during Nordic Walking training.

This video is just one of several covering warm up techniques in our Nordic Walking series. Check out the other tutorials for more inspiration!

Your thighs and hips are worked hard during a Nordic Walking outing. Discover some simple warm up exercises to avoid injuring or straining yourself with this simple tutorial.

Music : ALTER K
Voice-over by volunteer: Scarlet Sherriff & Rebecca Large

They contributed
Carrie B - Sikana
Carrie B
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Warming up your hips and thighs

In this video, you will learn how to warm up your leg muscles

These exercises are done with the help of your Nordic walking poles.

We suggest two exercises to warm up your hips and a third to warm up your thighs.

Firstly, your hips

With the poles planted in the ground in front of you, and your arms outstretched, do some knee raises

Alternate bringing your right knee then your left knee towards you

Perform 20 knee raises

Still warming up your hips, swing your pelvis sideways, then backwards and forwards

Be sure to keep your back straight during this exercise.

Count ten repetitions to the side and ten more back and forth.

Secondly, your thighs

Still in the same position, with your poles planted in the ground, arms outstretched and feet spread pelvis-width apart; lower yourself over your legs in a squat, moving your buttocks backward and keeping your back straight, then go back up.

To avoid injury, make sure that your knees move outwards when bending

If you are having difficulty doing this exercise, go up and down more slowly

At the end of each exercise, think about relaxing the muscles you have just employed

Now that your lower body is warmed up, you are ready for your walk. So let's go!


Next video

Sikana - Learning the Basic Technique
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