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Jumping and Landing on Both Feet

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In this video, you will discover a Nordic Walking exercise to practice jumping and landing on both feet.

For more fun exercises to help you improve your Nordic Walking technique, why not take a look at some of the videos in our Nordic Walking program?

Practicing this jump with a two-foot landing will help the fluidity of your movement in Nordic Walking.

Music : ALTER K
Voice-over by volunteer: Scarlet Sherriff & Rebecca Large

They contributed
DanBernal - Sikana
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Practicing Jumping and landing on Both Feet

In this video, you will learn how to jump and land on both feet.

If you are a beginner, we recommend you practice this exercise with an experienced partner.

Jumping and landing on both feet helps you work on your synchronisation, propulsion, shock absorption, and resuming your walk.

It is done in four steps: planting the poles, the propulsion, landing , and resuming your walk.

Let's begin with planting the poles

Do some simple Nordic walking steps to gain some speed as you approach the obstacle.

Spread your poles shoulder-width apart and plant them at the base of the obstacle.

Grip to the handles firmly when you plant your poles to help stabilize your supports.

Draw the foot you're taking off from forward to between your poles to prepare to jump.

Next, let's look at the propulsion.

Jump with your take-off leg while propelling yourself forward and upward with your poles.

As you propel yourself, open your hands towards the ground so as to not break your wrists. Let the wrist straps do the work.

Now, the landing.

Extend your legs forward so your heels are the first point of contact with the ground, and land on both feet.

When landing, absorb the shock by rolling your feet forward and bending your knees.

Finally, resuming the walk.

Resuming the walk comes right after the landing.

Jumping and landing on both feet causes you to stop walking, forcing you to restart right after landing.

You can take advantage of this small break to restart your walk using your arms.

Remember, when Nordic walking, your arms are your motors and your legs are your wheels!

Now that you know how to practice jumping and landing on both feet, you can improve the fluidity of your movements. Over to you!


Next video

Sikana - Forward Lateral Jumping
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