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Maintaining Good Foot Hygiene

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In this video, learn which practices you should adopt to care for your feet and avoid injury when Nordic Walking.

Discover more advice for looking after your feet and the rest of your body by checking out the other videos in this program.

Your feet are your main allies when Nordic walking. In this short tutorial, discover how to look after them through washing, maintaining your nails properly, getting rid of hard skin, and moisturising to keep your skin supple and elastic.

Music : ALTER K
Voice-over by volunteer: Scarlet Sherriff & Rebecca Large

They contributed
rwalker - Sikana
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Maintaining good foot hygiene.

In this video you'll learn how to maintain good foot hygiene.

Your feet are your main allies, so it's essential you look after them every day.

Maintaining good foot hygiene includes three stages: firstly washing, then cutting your toenails and smoothing rough skin, and finally moisturising.

First of all washing your feet.

Wash your feet daily with soap and water and dry them thoroughly, paying close attention to the areas between your toes to avoid skin maceration that can cause fungus.

Avoid washing your feet just before your walk as contact with water softens the skin making it more fragile.

So that your feet are properly dry and therefore more resistant to friction, wash them the evening before your walk.

Next, cutting your toenails and smoothing rough skin.

Cut your toenails in a lightly rounded shape, but not too short to avoid damaging the skin when in contact with your shoe.

If you feel rough skin (calluses, corns and hard skin) on the surface of your feet, buff them with the help of a pumice stone.

You'll find them in nearly all pharmaces.

Finally, hydrating your feet.

Consider regularly applying a moisturising cream or vegetable oil (for example olive oil) to soften your skin.

The softer the skin is the more supple and therefore resistant it will be.

If your feet are very dry, use vegetable butter such as shea butter.

Use this time to massage your feet using circular movements and pressing with your fingers to encourage good blood circulation.

Now you know how to look after your feet every day, find out how to prepare your feet for your walk!


Next video

Sikana - Preparing Your Feet: Tanning and Moisturising
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