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Learning the Basic Technique

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In this video, you will learn the basic Nordic Walking action, a technique using both your arms and your legs.

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When trying out Nordic Walking for the first time, it's crucial that you learn the correct technique from the outset. Discover the basic action with this short tutorial.

Music : ALTER K
Voice-over by volunteer: Scarlet Sherriff & Rebecca Large

They contributed
emilywade - Sikana
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Learning the basic movement

In this video, you're going to learn the basic movement forin Nordic walking

First of all, we will look at the main elements of the movement, then we will show you an exercise which will help you to practice it.

First of all, let's see the the main elements of the Nordic walking movement.

Nordic walking amplifies the movement of ordinary walking in order to produce gains in speed.

The walker walks with a straight back, looking straight ahead into the distance in front of them, in order to open the rib cage to improve breathing.

In addition to this, using walking poles help to pick up the pace.

In general, the walker places the poles in turn, on either side of their feet so that they land in the middle of their stride

The angle of the poles in relation to the ground makes propulsion easier.

When the walker places the poles down on the ground, they grip them tightly in order to control the push forward.

After pushing forward, the walker lets go of the handle by opening their hand towards the inside of their body

The arm is therefore able to move through a more full range of motion, and swinging without damaging the wrist.

Now we propose a practice exercise to lhelp make the nordic walking action second nature

Do this exercise on flat ground which is long enough for you to do several strides.

Firstly, attach the glove wrist-straps to your wrists and let go of the handles of the poles.

Start to walk slowly, arms alongside your body, leaving the poles to trail behind you without holding onto the handles.

Secondly, significantly increase your walking speed.

Move your arms like a pendulum gradually increaseding the swinging action.

You'll notice that the poles plant themselves on the ground.

Thirdly, grip the handles of the poles when they stick into the ground to be able to push off from them.

Once you've pushed off frousing m the poles, allow your arms to continue behind you, letting go of the handle

Open up your hand and turn it towards yourself so that your palm is facing behind you.

When your arms swing back in front of your take hold of the pole's handle again to propel yourself forward once again

Practice this exercise until the movement becomes natural for you.

Now you know how to do the basic movement of Nordic walking. Off you go!


Next video

Sikana - Working on Your Arm and Shoulder Movements
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