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Practising a High Knee Walk

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In this video, you will learn a high knee walk exercise to help you work on your Nordic Walking technique

Continue to develop your Nordic Walking technique with the other fun exercises in our program!

Discover a simple exercise that is perfect for building the muscles in your calves and levator muscles in your legs by watching this short video tutorial. It is also great for working on your coordination.

Music : ALTER K
Voice-over by volunteer: Scarlet Sherriff & Rebecca Large

They contributed
chrisjowitt - Sikana
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Practising a high knee walk

In this video you will learn how to do a high knee walk

This exercise is perfect for building the muscles in your calves and levator muscles in your legs. It is also great for working on your coordination

Take a few classic nordic walking steps then begin to lift your knees one at a time to the height of your hips

Dont try to take steps that are too large- the movement should be in an upwards direction

After doing this a few times, add a thrust with your calves by lifting the heel of your foot up from the ground as you raise your knee

You now know how to do a high knee walk. Over to you!


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Sikana - Skipping Strides with Downward Pole Thrusts
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