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Nordic Walking While Pregnant

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In this video, Nordic Walking enthusiast Sophie Maingre shares her experience of Nordic Walking during and after pregnancy.

If you're feeling inspired by this interview, do take a look at the rest of our program to find out how you can get started on Nordic Walking for yourself!

Can you still go Nordic Walking when pregnant? Sophie Maingre thinks so! Find out why by watching this short interview on Nordic Walking and family life.

Music : ALTER K
Voice-over by volunteer: Scarlet Sherriff & Rebecca Large

They contributed
AnnaKoumi - Sikana
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Nordic Walking while pregnant

I found out I was pregnant coming back from the Vercors after a good Nordic walking session, which was lovely.

After that, I continued to walk regularly throughout my pregnancy.


What was really nice was being able to keep up a physical activity, and already to be sharing something with my baby.


"Yes, darling."

And what was nice is that we would talk during the walk.

I explained the benefits to him, the breathing...

And then of course, there were the benefits for me in terms of my movement and mobility.

And then I thought about how the motion must cradle him as well.

And that was a lovely thought.


My doctor told me there was no problem at all in continuing with my Nordic Walking.

And later, during the pelvic floor rehabilitation period, the physio said "no running, nothing like that, but Nordic walking is fine, there's no reason why you shouldn't."

I was able to take this gentle, low-strain physical activity back up after the birth.

And that allowed me to stay active throughout. Mentally, it was very, very important to me.

And physically as well, I think that it helped me get back to my pre-birth weight and shape.


As soon as we were able to get the trailer, it was brilliant to be able to bring him with us

And to be able to share our local surroundings with him, because that is where we go to train.

And when we go to events, we bring him and it's lovely.

We realised that he really enjoys it too. He's happy in his trailer.

When we're training, he takes our walking poles and wants to play with them. Now that he's walking too, he's really going for it!

And then when there are races he loves it, he claps for everyone.

So we feel it's a real shared experience.

It really is a part of our family life.


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Sikana - My Passion: Teaching
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