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Forward Lateral Jumping

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In this video, you will discover how to practice a forward lateral jump using your Nordic Walking poles during training.

This video is one of over 35 in our Nordic Walking program. Be sure to check out the other free tutorials in the program to improve your technique!

Follow the step-by-step instructions in this simple tutorial to discover a fun forward lateral jumping exercise to use when practising Nordic Walking.

Music : ALTER K
Voice-over by volunteer: Scarlet Sherriff & Rebecca Large

They contributed
DanBernal - Sikana
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Practicing Forward Lateral Jumping

In this video, you will learn how to do a forward lateral jump.

This exercise makes you work on the coordination between your arms, legs, and supports.

The exercise is done in three steps: the preparation, planting the pole in front of you, and the jump.

Let's begin with the preparation.

Extend your arms and plant your poles vertically on each side of your body. Keep them in line with your shoulders.

Take a side step to bring both your feet together as near as possible to your right pole. Make sure you do not move the left pole.

Your torso will tilt naturally.

.Next, let's look at planting the batons in front of you

Move your left baton forward 50 cm (20 inch,) and plant it there.

Finally, the jump.

Jump, pushing off with your right foot and bring your left foot forward as close to your left stick as possible.

To repeat this exercise on the right side, move your right baton forward 50 cm (20 inch.) and do a jump that brings both your feet as close to the right baton as possible

You can repeat the cycle as many times as you wish, to keep moving forward in a straight line.

Now you know how to do a forward lateral jump. Over to you!


Next video

Sikana - The Rotating Jump
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