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Learning the Arm Motion for Power Walking

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In this video, you will learn all about the arm motion for power walking to perfect your technique.

For more power walking videos, check out the rest of our series!

The arm motion is a key part of the power walking technique. Master it with this short tutorial!

Voice-over: Will Davies

They contributed
saskiaamber - Sikana
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Learning the arm motion for power walking

In this video, you will learn how to move your arms when power walking.

A good arm movement is essential to give your walk energy and rhythm. It also helps to spread the exercise between your legs and your upper body.

To execute the arm movement correctly, remember these 3 steps: bend the arms at right angles, make a pendulum-like movement, and use your shoulders. Practice these movements standing still to start with so you can concentrate on your upper body.

First, bend the arms at right angles.

Relax the shoulders, and bend your arms at a 90° angle.

Close your hands without clenching your fists.

Secondly, make a pendulum-like movement.

With your elbows, move forward and back in the direction of walking.

During the backward movement, the wrist should not go farther or lower than the hip.

During the forward movement, your hand should not go higher than your chest, at the risk of slowing you down.

Practice on the spot, so that these movements are as fluid as possible, and make sure not to tense the arm muscles.

Thirdly, using your shoulders.

To better propel your arms, use your shoulders by keeping them as far back as possible.

Now coordinate your arm movements with your leg movements : swing your arms in time with the opposite leg.

Now you know how to use your arms to give rhythm to your walk and to gain speed! Over to you!


Next video

Sikana - Improving Your Arm Movement
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