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Clove Hitch Knot

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Learn how to tie a clove hitch knot in this free video

We teach you several quick ways of tying the clove hitch knot

It's a knot that's essential to mastering a whole range of bushcraft outdoor creations

Music: MELLOWER "Lou" Published by Alter K DAMIEN FLEAU "Le Départ" Published by Alter K

They contributed
Waters - Sikana
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In this video, we will learn to tie a clove hitch knot

You will need:

Two wood poles or small logs of at least 4cm in diameter

and a piece of string about 50cm long

This project requires four steps which we will explain for you.

Step 1: Introduction

The clove hitch knot is one of the key knots in bushcraft wood construction

The clove hitch knot is used to bind rope or string around an object

It is the foundation of lashing.

Check out our video "Tying square lashings"

Step 2: Tying the knot

Place one wooden log perpendicularly over the other

Be sure to leave enough excess of string.

Make the first loop.

Pass the string over to the top of the first log

Then, loop it around, bringing it out to the right of the inital loop

pass it over the wooden log once more but so that it cross over the original loop to the left.

Hold the strings in place at their intersection with your thumb

Make a second loop.

Pull the string out and pull it under the second loop you made.

Pull this end away from you and the other end of the string towards you.

You have just tied a clove hitch knot.

Step 3: The clove hitch knot in 1 second

Hold the string with your hands crossed over in front of you, fists clutching the string, and the back of the hands facing upward

Uncross your hands, back of the hands facing downward

Bring your hands one in front of the other- back of the hands facing upwards

give the left hand loop to the right hand

The clove hitch knot is ready to slip onto the pole.

Step 4: The loop method

Make the first loop by placing one end of string over the other

Make a second loop by bringing another end of string over in the same way

Carefully place the second loop behind the first

If not, this knot won't work.

The knot is ready to slip onto the pole.

Now you know how to tie a clove hitch knot


Next video

Sikana - Building a tripod
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