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A School of Life Skills

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Baptiste explains how being a scout member isn't just about building things from wood - you learn much more about life

Scouts teaches you important values such as teamwork and perserverance

Find the bushcraft program for building projects on our website

Music: MELLOWER "Lou" Published by Alter K DAMIEN FLEAU "Le Départ" Published by Alter K

They contributed
Emma Collingwood - Sikana
Emma Collingwood
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You definitely learn life skills here. [Patrol Scout, European Scout and LaToileScoute Member]

I've definitely learned to work alongside the others.

And to find my place within a team.

And to feel useful.

People need to be able to count on one another as well as themselves.

So there is an element of independent work as well as group work all at once

We learn techniques and we learn values that are sort of hidden within bushcraft activities and in games etc.

Then we share them. We share them with younger scouts

There's the scout leader who is usually the one equipped with the necessary knowledge and techniques, and who passes this on, one step at a time to the younger scouts.

They pass on the right techniques and show them the most effective methods to use.

And little by little, the youngsters acquire the necessary skills and knowledge.

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