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Build a Wooden Rack

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Learn how to build a wooden rack in our free video tutorial

Weaving the string carefully around the sticks makes a great foldable rack which can be used, for example, as a table top

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Music: MELLOWER "Lou" Published by Alter K DAMIEN FLEAU "Le Départ" Published by Alter K

They contributed
Waters - Sikana
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In this video you're going to learn how to build a wooden rack. It can be used as a handy table top

You will need.

Several thin wooden branches with a size adapted to that of your table

A roll of string

Making a wooden rack can be done in 2 steps which we will outline for you:

Step 1: Preparation

Cut 2 pieces of string, each three times the length of your rack

Tie a clove hitch knot at the end of one of the end branches

For more info see our video on how to tie a clove hitch knot

Leave around 10cm of excess string when tying the knot

Step 2: Assembly

Pass the longest end of the string underneath the second stick, then bring it up and weave it over the next stick

continue in this fashion until you get to the last stick, keeping them packed tightly together and the string well taut

Wrap the string around the last stick and work your way back to the first stick in the same fashion. The string should cross over itself as you weave your way back to the beginning

Maintain tension in the string so that the sticks don't move around

If this isn't the case, you may have made an error in your weaving - go back until the problem is rectified

Once you have weaved back to the inital stick, tie a reef knot using the 10cm excess of string you left initally

Repeat the process for the other end of your sticks

You now have a wooden rack which can be put on a table as the table top.

Now you know how to build a wooden rack.


Next video

Sikana - How to Build a Picnic Table
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