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How to Swim Underneath an Object

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In this video you'll learn how to pass underneath an object when in the water

This is a useful technique for all beginners, giving them a first try and moving around underwater.

swimming, swimming pool, swim under object, swim underwater, pass under obstacle, decathlon

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Passing under an obstacle

In this video you will learn how to pass under an object while swimming.

Learning how to pass under an obstacle helps you to not be scared of situations you could find yourself in the water, under someone or something.

You will need a swimming pool which has both narrow and wide foam mats.

For safety reasons, we advise you to attempt this exercise in the presence of another person.

For best results, do this exercise in a shallow pool where the water level is chest deep at most

We are going to split this video into 2 steps: passing under a small object, then passing under a larger object.

First of all, the small object. To pass under a narrow foam mat, tilt your chest forward, then dive using first your arms, then your legs.

Push yourself deeper into the water, make some movements to propel yourself forwards, then resurface.

Pass from one side of the mat to the other around 10 times for practice.

Next, the wide object. Place either one wide mat or 2 narrow mats in the water.

Just as you did for the narrow mat, dive diagonally in a forward and downward direction, using first your arms, then your legs. Swim a few metres under the water, then resurface.

Pass under the width of the mats several times and when you feel ready, under the length.

To learn how to pass under an obstacle, begin with a narrow mat, then practice with wider objects. Over to you!


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Sikana - How to Jump in Water
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