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Exercise: Hippy Jumps to Work on Your Landings

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In this video, you will learn an exercise to work on your balance and landing when jumping on your skateboard.

Don't forget to take a look at the other exercises in our Skateboarding program for more ideas!

Learn the Hippy Jump and practise clearing obstacles and landing well on your board with the exercise shown in this short tutorial.


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In this video, you will learn how to do a Hippy Jump, to practice landing correctly on your skateboard.

We will look at how to do a Hippy jump, first without an obstacle, then with an obstacle.

First, without an obstacle.

Push off on your skateboard, with your dominant foot by the front bolt and your other foot by the rear bolt.

Adjust your feet so that they're completely covering the bolts, and prepare the jump, bending your knees.

Do a small jump, training yourself to jump as straight as possible, both feet simultaneously.

Land on the bolts, knees bent.

Repeat the exercise, jumping higher each time.

Secondly, with an obstacle.

Set up or find an obstacle that is high enough that your skateboard can roll underneath it, and low enough that you can jump over it.

Stand around 10 metres from the obstacle.

Push off quite quickly, placing your feet on the bolts.

Jump with both feet simultaneously, so that your dominant foot clears the obstacle first.

Keep your torso upright and your shoulders in line with your board.

Be careful not to jump forwards, as this will send your board backwards.

Jump as straight as you can, using your arms to give you some height.

Once you've cleared the obstacle, land on the board, both feet simultaneously, as close as possible to the bolts.

The Hippy Jump can be tricky to master, so don't be afraid to start small!

Over to you!


Next video

Sikana - Exercise: The Duck Walk
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