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Swimming Technique: Arms 2/2

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Learn some great swimming drills for better arm movements

Don't forget to check out part 1/2 for more great arm swimming drills

Music :
Carefree - Gilles B -
Coconut water - Gilles B -

They contributed
chrisjowitt - Sikana
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Breaststroke: Exercises to improve your arm motions 2/2

In this video, you will learn 2 useful exercises to improve your arm motions in breaststroke. Improving your arm motions will allow you to better propel yourself forwards and to avoid injury.

There are two exercises you can try that will help improve the entrance stageof your shoulders into th ewater and the positioning of your hands.

First exercise, the entrance of your shoulders into the water. Swim one length making sure you bring your shoulders out of the water with every stroke.

Your head should re-enter the water before your shoulders.

Second exercise, the positioning of your hands.

To make yourself aware of the importance of your hands, keep them open. It will make the stroke harder but more effective. As proof, try swimming a length with your fists clenched and then with your fingers spread out.

Now you know how to improve your arm motions in breaststroke. Over to you !


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Sikana - Swimming Technique: Legs
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