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Exercise: spiking game

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Learn about a fun training drill to practice attacking with spikes.

Find more fun games to practice volleyball with our complete program.

For this exercise, you will need cones, or objects to divide the court in different areas.

Music :
Will You Do - "Ghostronic", "Miami Ice", "We Are Back"
Published by Alter K

They contributed
KatharineRuff - Sikana
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In this video, you'll learn a game which teaches you how to attack, or spike.

You will need two partners

Here's the challenge to set up with them

Divide the court into two halves, length-ways. Use cones or other objects to mark the divide

On the half of the court that you'll be playing on, place an obstacle 30 to 50 centimetres long in front of the 3 metre attack line

Position yourself behind the 3 metre line, facing the net

Your passing partner is next to the net, around 3 metres from your point of attack

The defending partner is on the other side of the court, in the half facing yours

Your passing partner throws the ball in a high arch in front of you, at the net

If you're right-handed, jump over the obstacle to land on your right foot, then use your left foot to support you for the jump and spike

Aim for any area of the opposite half-court. Vary the power of your spikes to touch the ground and win a point

On their side, your defending partner must try to send the ball back towards the net

Do a series of 5 attacks, count the number of points won, then swap roles. The one with the most points wins the challenge

Modify the exercise by attacking the half of the court diagonally opposite you, which your partner will defend

Over to you!


Next video

Sikana - Exercise: jumping to block
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