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Drill: blocking an attack

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In this video, you will find a blocking drill to practice in real conditions, not knowing where the oponent will strike.

Have a look at our videos on the basics of volleyball to learn to block efficiently.

You need 3 players to do this exercise.

Music :
Will You Do - "Ghostronic", "Miami Ice", "We Are Back"
Published by Alter K

They contributed
Liam Roberts - Sikana
Liam Roberts
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In this video, you will learn how to block a volleyball attack or spike

You will need two partners.

In the drill that we are going to see, you will need to make the block in real playing conditions, without knowing where your opponents have decided to play.

Your two opponents will place themselves on the other side of the court, close to the net.

The first opponent will be in the middle, in the setter position.

The second opponent will position themselves on one of the two sides,further from the net, ready to attack the space in front to the left or to the right.

Position yourself approximately 30cm away from the net, in the zone facing the opponent who is attacking.

Before the drill begins, your opponents will consult one another to choose three attacking points at the net.

The setter will then launch the ball above his head to invite the movement of the attack.

As the ball descends, he will set the ball while announcing the position of attack: "left", "centre" or "right".

Change your position instantly according to the position of attack.

Just before the attacker strikes, anticipate your jump in order to block the ball and stop it from passing.

Repeat this sequence with the three attacking positions chosen.

To make the drill more difficult, you can choose not to announce the position of the attack.

To make the drill even more difficult again, position yourself at the end of the net, off the court, before each attack begins.

You should move quickly towards the centre of the court while reading the movement of the ball to adapt your position.

In order to block the ball perfectly, learn to observe the game and your opponents. Over to you!


Next video

Sikana - Exercise: blocking game
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