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Warming up in threes: attacking

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In this video you will learn how to warm up and practice attacking with drills for three players.

Watch the rest of this chapter to find out more about warm up drills for volleyball.

You will need two volley balls for the exercises shown in this video.
Remeber that warming up is important to prevent injuries during practice.

Music :
Will You Do - "Ghostronic", "Miami Ice", "We Are Back"
Published by Alter K

They contributed
KatharineRuff - Sikana
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In this video, you'll learn how to do an attacking warm-up for three people.

a stationary attack and a moving attack

Firstly, the stationary attack

This warm-up allows you to practise a run-up, jump and spike

Players 1 and 2, equipped with a ball, position themselves at the net on one side of the court

Player 3 stands on the other side of the court a few metres away from the net, with a ball.

Player 2 serves the ball in a high arched trajectory at the net towards player 1

Meanwhile, Player 3 rolls their ball towards Player 2

Player 1 spikes in the direction of Player 3 and gets back into position to attack again

Player 3 catches the spiked ball and rolls it towards Player 2

Player 2 serves this ball in a high arch at the net to Player 1 and so on

Do this exercise for 2 or 3 minutes, then swap roles

Secondly, the moving attack

The aim of this exercise is to replicate an attacking situation

Keep the same positions as for the previous exercise

Player 3 serves the ball tennis-style, or with topspin, to the opposite side of the court, where the other two players are

Player 1 moves to receive the ball by passing it overhand or with a bump pass in the direction of player 2 and towards the net

Player 2 sets the ball at the net for player 1

Player 1 moves towards the net and modifies their jump according to the position of the ball in order to then attack in the direction of Player 3

Start off hitting the ball gently, then gradually with increasing force

Do the exercise for 2 or 3 minutes, then swap roles.

Have a good warm-up!


Next video

Sikana - Underhand and overhand serves
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