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Exercise: jumping to block

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To block attacks efficiently you have to learn to anticipate and jump correctly. Here is an exercise to help you practice.

To find more exercises to practice blocking, have a look at the next videos of this program.

You will need a volley ball and a chair, or a bench, to do this exercise

Music :
Will You Do - "Ghostronic", "Miami Ice", "We Are Back"
Published by Alter K

They contributed
Liam Roberts - Sikana
Liam Roberts
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In this video, you are going to learn to jump to block an attack.

You will need a partner.

There are two situations for you to practise: jumping, then moving and jumping.

First up: Jumping.

Stand approximately 30cm away from the net.

Your partner positions themself on the other side of the court, close to the net, facing you. They stand on a chair or a bench and hold the ball in front of them above the net.

Push off with your legs and raise your arms as you do so.

Jump up and grab the ball from your partner's hands with your two hands.

Don't forget to bend your knees as you jump in order to generate power, and once again as you land in order to cushion your landing

Be careful not to touch the net and to land on your side on the net.

Repeat the drill several times to master this part of the jump.

Next up: Moving and jumping.

This time, move along the net two metres to the right of your partner.

They will remain in the same position as for the previous drill.

Move towards your partner by either sidestepping or running.

Once you are facing them, jump and snatch the ball from your partner's grasp with both hands.

Start the drill again but this time starting two metres to your left.

Repeat the sequence several times and then change roles.

Make sure you practise hard as the block is the key defensive technique which allows your team to win possession of the bal.. Over to you!


Next video

Sikana - Drill: blocking the ball
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