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Install Curtains on a Wire and Net Curtains

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Resources and description

Learn you how you can use stainless steel wire to hang curtains, and how to install net curtains

This is one of the final decorative touches you can put to a newly-refurbished room.

Don't forget to see the full program for more ideas on getting the most out of a small space!

Music Credits: Published by Alter K

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Better homes for everyone

The Charity Travail et Vie created this boarding house. It's a place which welcomes low-income individuals as well as those experiencing social isolation or exclusion

We have decided to entirely renovate this bedroom along with its en suite bathroom. These methods of renovation are easy to replicate quickly and on a limited budget

Here's Marianne, sculptor-designer for events and film sets. Plasterboard's her favourite material. .Eric is a painter decorator. He's a building expert. Together, they are here to help Travail et Vie undertake this transformation. They're a real crack team!

Maximize your space

Find the detailed guide sheet on

Install curtains on a cable and net curtains

Mark the position for the cable working from the top of the curtain eyelets

Trace the fixing points for the cable at both ends of the room

Drill the wll

Use wall plugs adapted to your wall

Here, with wall anchors, you need to insert a screw...

And fix in place with a setting tool to make the plug expand

Remove the screw and insert the threaded rod for the cable. Use water pump pliers to help you.

Cut the cable to size with some cable cutting pliers leaving a small margin so that you can keep it taut

Screw in the fittings at either end of the cable

Screw the fittings to the thread rods on the wall to pull the cable taut

Mark the height of the net curtains against the window

Screw the hinges directly into the frame

Insert the rod and net curtain

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