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How to Change a Ceiling Light

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In this video, we're updating an old ceiling light with a bright new LED panel light

LEDs give powerful light while consuming less energy. They're perfect for bedrooms and bathrooms alike.

Learn how to do more great DIY electrical tips in the full free program. Always turn off the power at the mains before you start works.

Music Credits: Published by Alter K

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Better homes for everyone

The Charity Travail et Vie created this boarding house. It's a place which welcomes low-income individuals as well as those experiencing social isolation or exclusion

We have decided to entirely renovate this bedroom along with its en suite bathroom. These methods of renovation are easy to replicate quickly and on a limited budget

Meet Marine, a sculptor who loves DIY projects. She's no stranger to woodworking and composite materials. Eric is a painter decorator. He's a building expert. Together, they are here to help Travail et Vie undertake this transformation. They're a real crack team.

Maximize your space

Find the detailed guide sheet on

Demolish a bathroom

Important: Make sure the electricity is off at the mains before beginning

Take apart the old ceiling light

Disconnect the electrical wires and remove the old terminal block

Mark the position of the new light onto the ceilling

Screw in the fixing brackets onto the LED panel

Tip: Use a piece of card to transfer the position of where the fixing screws will be drilled onto the ceiling

Place the card on the markings you have made and trace the points for the holes

Drill, insert the wall plugs adapted to your ceiling and insert the screws

Plug in the electric wires to the LED transformer terminals

Then connect the wires to the ceiling wiring

Fit the panel into the screw holes

Connect the transformer to the LED panel


Next video

Sikana - Installing a Lightswitch
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