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How to Install a Shower Tray

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Learn how to level, set and install your new shower tray!

In this series, we're remodeling this bathroom completely.

For more great DIY tips, head over to the full program on the wesbite

Music Credits: Published by Alter K

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The Charity Travail et Vie created this boarding house. It's a place which welcomes low-income individuals as well as those who experience social isolation or exclusion

We have decided to entirely renovate this bedroom along with its en suite bathroom. These methods of renovation are easy to replicate quickly and on a limited budget

Here's Eric, a painter decorator. He's a building expert. And Philippe, a plumber and heating engineer. With him, there's always good things in the pipeline. Together, they are here to help Travail et Vie undertake this transformation. They're a real crack team.

Maximize your space

Find the detailed guide sheet on

Install a shower

Position the shower tray feet

Mark the position of the drain

Important the PVC drain pipes have a 33mm diameter

Tip: Sand the PVC pipes to help the glue adhere

Apply specially-adapted adhesive to the PVC where it needs to be stuck together

Don't forget the waterproof washer rings

Connect the ring to the drain pipe

Place the tray perfectly horizontally, adjust the feet with the help of a spirit level

Don't tighted it too hard so as not to damage the ring

Use, as here, transparent or white silicon seal. It will be covered when you come to tiling

The silicon seal also helps to fix the tray in position

Tip: Lubricate your finger with a little water and dish soap


Next video

Sikana - How to Install a Mixer Shower
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