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How to Install a Threshold Strip

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Learn how to install a threshold strip between your front door and the corridor.

We recommended fixing your strip in with specially-designed screws drilling into the floor to ensure it's as secure as possible

Don't forget to head over to our website for more information and another great DIY videos

Music Credits: Published by Alter K

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Better homes for everyone

The Charity Travail et Vie created this boarding house. It's a place which welcomes low-income individuals as well as those experiencing social isolation or exclusion

We have decided to entirely renovate this bedroom along with its en suite bathroom. These methods of renovation are easy to replicate quickly and on a limited budget

Here's Marianne, sculptor-designer for events and film sets. She loves working with plaster. Eric is a painter decorator. He's a building expert. Together, they are here to help Travail et Vie undertake this transformation. They're a real crack team!

Maximise your space

Find the detailed guide sheet on

Install a threshold strip

Make the holes you need to drill on the floor

Drill the floor with a drill (or a hammer drill depending on your floor)

Insert the specially-adpated screws beneath the strip

To drive the threshold strip in securely without damaging it, use a hammer and wedge


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