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How to Plaster a Plasterboard Wall

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Learn how to plaster and tape a plasterboard wall for a smooth finish when decorating

This step is cheap, easy to try for yourself, and makes an even surface ready for painting or decorating

More DIY inspiration awaits in the free program on our website!

Music Credits: Published by Alter K

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How to Plaster a plasterboard wall

To mix the jointing compound, refer to the manufacturer's instructions

Cut the jointing tape with a cutter or by hand

Apply a first layer of plaster over the joint with a wide jointing knife

Moisten the tape and apply it along the still-wet layer of plaster

Fix the tape in place with a thin top layer of plaster

For the screw holes, plaster them with a small filling knife

For the corners, lay down a first layer of plaster on both sides of the angle

On the still-wet plaster, apply moistened jointing tape over the edge

Pinch the tape to help it hug the corner tightly

Fix the tape in place with a thin, top layer of plaster

After sufficient drying time, sand the plaster

Apply a second layer of plaster coating going wide of the tape by around 5cm on either side.

When it is fully dry, sand and dust off


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