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How to Re-Route Bathroom Plumbing

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Learn how to cap and terminate plumbing to then re-route it to a new bathroom installation

This video is part of a series on renovating and remodeling your bathroom.

Find the rest of this free program on our website!

Music Credits: Published by Alter K

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The Charity Travail et Vie created this boarding house. It's a place which welcomes low-income individuals as well as those who experience social isolation or exclusion

We have decided to entirely renovate this bedroom along with its en suite bathroom. These methods of renovation are easy to replicate quickly and on a limited budget

Meet Marine, a sculptor who loves DIY projects. She's no stranger to woodworking and composite materials. And Philippe, a plumber and heating engineer, he's always got great things in the pipeline. Together, they are here to help Travail et Vie undertake this transformation. They're a real crack team.

Maximize your space

Find the detailed guide sheet on

How to re-route bathroom plumbing

Important: Turn of the mains water supply before starting works

Block off the old water outlet

Extension of the water inlet pipes for the shower and sink

Cut the drain pipe of the old sink with a metal-cutting saw

The old pipe installation is removed using a blowtorch

Use a stripper paste around the fitting before soldering the tin joint

Use a pair of waterpump pliers to scrape the fitting so that the hemp thread binds well

To ensure the joint is watertight, roll the plumber's hemp around the fitting and cover in jointing compound

Screw the plugs to the fitting and tighten with the waterpump pliers

Mark the position for the new sink

Cut the water inlet pipes with a small pipe cutter

Join the two tee connectors on the water inlet pipes using a welder

Mark and drill the wall to fix the pipe clamps in place

Use wall plugs adapted to your wall's material and screw in the clamps

Put the water inlet pipes into the double clamps and tighten

While awaiting the sink installation, block off the inlet pipes with plugs

Remove the old water inlet pipes from the sink with the help of some water pump pliers

Cut the old shower siphon with a metal-cutting saw

Sand the fittings lightly with glass paper

Apply some stripper paste

Install the tee fittings for the drain with a blowtorch and solder

Fit the tees to the drain

Extend the water outlets for the future sink, the elbow fittings make it easy to change the pipe's direction

Cut a PVC pipe to the right length with a tube cutter

Note the gradient of the drain - around 1cm per metre

Drill and insert wall plugs and screw in the clamps

Glue the pipes with PVC glue

Tighten the clamps


Next video

Sikana - How to Install a Shower Tray
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