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How to mince an onion

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Learn how to chop, dice and mince and onion. Fried in a little butter, they go great with just about anything!

Translated by volunteer: Anahita Shahrokh
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A_Shahrokh - Sikana
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The technique demonstrated in this video can be easily reproduced if you have a good cooking skills.

Preparation Time: 15 minutes.

In this video, you will learn to mince an onion or any other type of bulb. This will allow you to easily bring out different flavours in your dishes. The goal is to create a grid within the bulb. Follow these steps and you will easily be able to master this skill. In this tutorial, we will be using an onion, but feel free to use any other type of bulb.

You will need: a cutting board and a fillet knife, whose blade is thin and pointed.

Before starting the video, we washed and peeled the onion.

Step one.

Cutting the onion in two.

The onion is made of a base which is called the stem. Place the blade on the stem and cut the onion in two.

Step two.

Cut horizontal slices

Keep in mind where the stem is. Your half onion is being held together by this part. Now chop the onion into horizontal slices, like this. Stop your blade well before the stem.

Step three.

Cut vertical slices

Now chop the slices vertically, like this. Do not start on the stem.

Step four.

Finish up the gridding

Finally cut the slices vertically, like this. Put the stem aside for use in another dish, like in a broth, for example.

Now you know how to chop any bulb resembling an onion. Reproducing this skill will be very easy.


Next video

Sikana - Mincing garlic
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