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How to store breast milk

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Learn how to properly store breast milk.
Founded in 2014, SIKANA Health is one of 12 programmes created by the NGO SIKANA. It works at transmitting knowledge in order to allow everyone to acquire positive health reflexes. From healthy eating to music, respecting nature, health, improving one's environment, or learning a new sport, our many programs aim to encourage a simple and healthy life. To discover our programmes see: To help with the translation and diffusion of our videos globally see:


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EmilyQ - Sikana
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In this video you will learn how to store your breast milk.

At room temperature, between 19 and 22°C, you can keep expressed milk for up to 8 hours.

It can be kept in a refrigerator, at a temperature of 0 to 4°C, for up to 8 days.

To reheat the milk, when it comes out of the refrigerator, hold it under the hot water tap.

Avoid using the micro-wave, as the waves destroy some of the milk's components.

When freezing breast milk, there are 3 possibilities:

-1: the freezer compartment of a refrigerator, where you can keep the milk for up to two weeks

-2: the freezer compartment of a combined fridge-freezer, where it can be kept for up to four months.

-3: in a stand-alone freezer at -18°C, where it can be kept for more than six months.

To reheat the frozen milk, put it under cold running water, and gradually add hot water.

Once again, the micro-wave should be avoided, as it can destroy some of the milk's components.

If you defrost too much, you can put the remaining milk in the refrigerator for the next meal.

Do not refreeze breast milk, as there is a high risk of contamination!

To avoid waste, it is better to freeze milk in small quantities, in different containers.

Indicating the date and the quantity of milk will make this easier to manage.

Be careful, storage times can not be combined.

You cannot leave your milk at room temperature, then put it in the refrigerator, and after that in the freezer.

Due to the high risks of contamination.

Finally, you should know that freezing milk destroys some of it's elements linked to fighting infection. So, if you have the choice, opt for the refrigerator.

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