Lower your Energy Bills - SikanaLower your Energy Bills - SikanaLower your Energy Bills - Sikana
Lower your Energy Bills - SikanaLower your Energy Bills - SikanaLower your Energy Bills - Sikana
Energies Solidaires - Sikana Expert

Energies Solidaires

Energies Solidaires is a charitable organisation which acts against climate change and fuel poverty. They promote a better understanding of energy in the North of the Yvelines district by running an Energy Information Space commissioned by the ADEME (Environmental and Energy Management Agency). The aim of this Space is to raise awareness and to offer free, independent advice to individuals, communities and companies concerning energy management and renewable energy.
The Energies Solidaires Organisation has kindly offered us their expertise on topics such as fuel poverty and energy saving behaviour. They have also given us the use of two incredible filming locations: their 300m2 material library and their experimental apartment in the Seinergy Lab Hub in Mureaux (78).

ENERGIO - Sikana Expert


ENERGIO is an independent research center focusing on energy systems engineering. It accompanies property owners and managers in contracting and project management throughout the different steps of building projects: design and conception, building, and use.
The ENERGIO team members bring their support to numerous companies working towards a more controlled energy management.
The ENERGIO team very generously offered us their time to help reinforce the relevance of our programme, and to assure the quality of the information contained within the chapter regarding insulation.


In this program, we will show you several different courses of action you can take to save energy at home, reducing the impact of your energy consumption on both the environment and on your household spending.
Due to a range of different factors, many households are experiencing increasing difficulty to heat their homes. Paying the energy bills can often mean cutting back on other essential costs, such as food. This phenomenon of struggling to pay one's energy bills, known as "Fuel Poverty", has become more and more prominent in society in recent years, affecting almost 1 in 4 people in the UK, according to a YouGov survey.
Our aim through this program is to give you some simple and practical tips to help you reduce your heating, water and electricity consumption and expenditure. The first step to take to lower your energy bills and combat fuel poverty is to get rid of unnecessary energy consumption, or rather, the energy that is used to no benefit to you or your family, such as keeping devices on standby.

To make sure our videos are helpful, accurate and of high quality, we've teamed up with experts at the Energies Solidaires organisation, as well as Energio, a research centre specialising in managing and economising on energy consumption.

Our videos have been designed to be accessible for anyone looking to reduce their energy bills, whatever their age. For people finding themselves in a situation of fuel poverty, we recommend that the advice given in our videos is taken alongside the support of a social care professional.

This program is made up of five chapters. The first covers the topic of eco-tips, showing you several practices you can adopt for a more modest level of energy consumption. In the second chapter, we will look at some hints and tips for reducing your heating bill without letting yourself get cold at home. The third chapter covers a range of household instrument that will help you to monitor and understand your energy consumption. Next is the fourth chapter, which includes tutorials teaching you how to insulate your home for yourself, thus rendering it more energy-efficient. Finally, the fifth chapter will give you more information on the concept of fuel poverty.

This program is free to watch and share- you can also download the videos directly from the video player, making it easier than ever to share and raise awareness of fuel poverty around you.

Program details

Viewing time: 60 min

Number of video(s): 20

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