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How to Use a Wattmeter

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In this video you will learn how to use and read a wattmeter to manage your electricity consumption at home.

For more information on managing your electricity consumption at home, check out the other videos in our program!

A wattmeter can help you see where you are using and wasting electricity at home. Find out how to use one to manage your energy consumption and reduce your energy bills by watching this short video.

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In this video, you will learn how to use of a wattmeter.

A wattmeter will let you measure the energy consumption of your devices and appliances.

Wattmeters show you the power used by your appliance at a given moment T and its energy consumption over a set period of time.

It's particularly interesting to note that some devices consume energy even when you're not using them.

This is the case with a TV, for example.

Thanks to the wattmeter, you can see this unintentional energy consumption and find a solution to deal with the problem.

A multiplug adaptor with a switch will allow you to cut the supply to several appliances at once.

A wattmeter also lets you test your living room, office and bedside lamps and to identify the most energy-consuming ones.

Once you know how much energy your devices consume, you can adapt your usage accordingly

Using a wattmeter is very simple. all you have to do is plug it in at the mains, then plug in the device that you want to test using the wattmeter's socket.

If you want to test several devices at once, you can plug in a multiplug adaptor.

Some organisations will lend this equipment free of charge. To find out more, check with your local community network.

Now you know how to use a wattmeter.


Next video

Sikana - How to Use a Hygrometer
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