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Urban art: choosing a design

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Adam.Mian - Sikana
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When doing graffiti, don't forget the safety equipment: gloves and a mask, since the paint used is a chemical product which can harm the skin and lungs.

We're going to learn how to make graffiti using a stencil.


Graffiti Artist

A stencil is a design cut out of a piece of paper.

In Brazil, graffiti is important and widely used to make political statements, or to make people aware of a social issue.

We're going to reproduce a piece of graffiti made by the artist Ricardo Tatoo to promote cleaner streets,

and to encourage people to pick up after their dogs when taking them for a walk.

Rather than protesting with violence, Ricardo Tatoo encourages revolution through education, in the tradition of educator Paulo Freire.


Brazilian Educator

The idea is to use an image and and a message which everybody, regardless of age and level of education, can understand, agree with, and spread.

The bigger the picture, the easier it will be to see and understand it from a distance.

The result, like this dog, should be a simple image with strong contrasts and few details.

In the street, people are constantly moving, so the design has to be quick and easy to read.

To begin with, search online for a suitable image, such as a picture of a dog.

Print out a large copy of the image, and glue the printout onto another type of paper, such as kraft paper.

You could also use cardboard or drawing paper, but Ricardo Tatoo recommends using kraft paper since its light, cheap and strong.

It can be rolled up and transported easily.

Moreover, the paper is fibrous, a bit like the fabric of a parachute, which will help to keep your stencil from tearing.

You could also use an old X-ray, although these contain lead.

X-rays are toxic

It's toxic, not environmentally-friendly,

and they can tear easily as well.


Next video

Sikana - Urban art: cutting out the stencil
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