Learn how to protect yourself against Ebola
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The haemorrhagic fever of the Ebola virus is an extremely contagious illness which can very quickly become lethal for humans
Between 2 and 21 days after having come into contact with the virus, one or several of the following signs of the illness might appear:
A fever of 38 degrees centigrade (82.5degrees fahrenheit) or higher, or a hot sensation all over the body
- Headaches
- muscle and joint pains
- feeling of fatigue, or a loss of appetite
Then, some days later, the following signs:
-a Sore Throat
-a Rash
Or unexplained bleeding
A person is only contagious from the moment that they exhibit any of these signs of the disease
The Ebola virus enters the body via:
-The mouth
-the nose
-the eyes
-the genitals
-or by a skin wound
At current, there is no known cure for the Ebola virus, but allowing a specialised team of trained workers to take over will greatly increase chances of survival!
When a sick person is cured, and once they are discharged from a care centre, they no longer present a risk of infecting those around them, except:
- via the sperm for a following three months for men
- or by vaginal secretions for a following two weeks for women
Which is why the usage of condoms is essential!
The virus spreads between people
It is found in bodily fluids, such as:
-and vomit
But also, on any object that may have come into contact with any one of these liquids
In order to prevent the spreading of this virus, avoid direct contact with those around you as best you can
If one of your friends or family members exhibits any signs of the illness: Call the emergency number straight away
avoid all contact with any of the bodily fluids of the infected individual!
While awaiting the arrival of the medical team, choose one person to be in charge of checking on them
This person must:
-Wear gloves
- Limit their contact with the individual
- and should be very vigilant to not put their hands in their mouths nor rub their eyes or nose.
Should you come into contact with the bodily fluids of the sick person or their surrounding environment, you should straight away wash your hands with soap and water, or with a chlorinated solution
Be careful: If the infected person dies, one must definitely not touch or handle the corpse nor its vicinity, as the bodily fluids of the deceased are even more contagious than those of a living person
You should immediately contact a specialised team who will be able to handle the body with dignity and without risk of infection
The Ebola virus can also be spread by wild animals
You should not touch the bodily fluids of these animals - especially if they are found dead, as here once again, their bodily fluids are even more contagious
You should not eat these animals, or any fruits or foods they may have bitten into, as it's possible that the virus may have been left there too.
In conclusion, in order to face up to the Ebola virus: Follow these methods of prevention and do not hesitate in contacting a medical team in case of doubt!
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the biggest network of humanitarian volunteer workers in the world.
Each year, using its 189-member National Societies all over the world, it works helping 97 million people regardless of nationality, race, sex, religious belief, social class or political opinion
The French Red Cross works in the fight against Ebola. It is thanks to its work, and that of the not-for-profit organisation SIKANA Education, that this program aimed at raising awareness was made.
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